Why engine overhaul?
"An engine failure can quickly become a nightmare, especially when the search for a suitable repair solution proves to be nerve-wracking and time-consuming. The uncertainty and often high costs increasingly push vehicle owners to their limits."
Heute we will discuss the topic of engine overhaul and why it can often be the better choice compared to purchasing a replacement engine. The engine overhaul offers a tailored solution for your vehicle, especially when it comes to specific engine types that exist in various versions and whose exact specifications are not always clearly identifiable through the chassis number or engine code.
How a motor overhaul works and whether your engine is even suitable for a new life can be found out in this article"

AT-Motor: Poor solution
The risk of receiving an unsuitable replacement engine is high and can lead to further complications. Therefore, we rely on an engine overhaul. This approach not only allows us to determine and fix the exact damage but also to avoid future problems by accurately identifying the cause of the failure, such as a defective injection pump or a damaged injector, and passing this information on to the customer or the installing workshop.
In addition, the costs for procuring a precisely fitting base motor are often very high, as clear assignment is difficult and it requires a significant amount of time to find and procure the right motor. We prefer to invest these resources in the professional Engine overhaul and a transparent Project Management.
In the best hands
1.) Planning & Projecting
Before we begin the engine overhaul, we create a customized offer tailored to the specific needs of each customer. After the customer confirms the offer, we issue a detailed invoice and schedule the order in our comprehensive project management system. This system allows us to accurately track and manage both the complete documentation of the overhaul work and the shipping status of the engine.

2.) Pickup of the basic engine
We reliably organize the fast and secure shipping of the base engine through one of our in-house freight forwarders. Normally, the customer or the customer's workshop is responsible for the disassembly and storage of the attachments and aggregates, but this task can also be delegated to us upon request. Once the engine has been securely fastened to a pallet and is prepared for transport, we will ensure that it is scheduled for pickup. for a quick and safe start of the engine overhaul.

3.) Dismantling of the base motor
Upon arrival in our workshop, an employee takes over the complete disassembly of the engine. During this first step of the engine overhaul, damages are recorded in our LIVE documentation. The professional and transparent recording of all damages is essential for a successful repair. Damage causes are defined and communicated to the customer or the customer's workshop. This ensures that the root cause of the problem is addressed and that damages do not occur again in the future.

4.) The engine overhaul
The actual engine overhaul is managed by only one employee, who is supported by an internal knowledge database. This approach guarantees high quality standards and minimizes the possibility of errors. Only for inspection and special tasks do we rely on the four-eyes principle to ensure maximum quality. All steps of the overhaul are carefully documented and are available to our customers in real-time, so they are always informed about the progress and have full transparency over the process.

5.) Removal & Installation in our house
We prefer to carry out both the engine overhaul and the removal and installation of the engine in-house. This way, we can demonstrate our entire expertise. Equipped with a dynamometer, extensive testing and diagnostic technology, as well as qualified staff, we take care of your engine overhaul from start to finish. Organizing vehicle transport should not be an obstacle, as we also offer solutions for this to make the process as easy as possible for you.

4.) Support until the end
Should you choose to have the motor shipped to carry out the installation in your own workshop, we will of course provide you with comprehensive support in the implementation. We deliver detailed excerpts and instructions from our knowledge database that will assist you with the installation, commissioning, and fine-tuning of the motor. Additionally, our team is ready to respond quickly and competently to any questions or challenges during the installation or tuning of the motor.

LIVE Documentation
Our modern project management app revolutionizes work on engines by enabling our customers to track the progress of their projects in real-time. Experience a new level of transparency by receiving live images and detailed reports directly as updates on your smartphone. This intuitive app is easy to use and provides a secure platform to track all phases of engine overhaul and exchange information.

Everything from a single source
An engine overhaul is often the best of all available options, even if it involves additional efforts such as transporting the vehicle. The decision for an engine overhaul offers numerous Advantages:
Initially, during the engine overhaul, the original engine of your vehicle is retained, which means that all engine parameters and characteristics specifically developed for your vehicle model are preserved. This ensures seamless integration and functionality without the risks associated with a replacement engine and its compatibility.
Moreover, the engine overhaul allows for a thorough inspection and repair of each individual engine component. Defective parts are replaced or repaired, which enhances the lifetime The extension of the engine and the avoidance of future expensive repairs. This is not only more cost-effective but also improves the environmental balance by avoiding unnecessary new production of parts.
Another crucial advantage is the individual customization and optimization of the engine during the engine overhaul. Improvements can be made that enhance performance and Efficiency The engine's performance. This provides the opportunity to customize the engine to specific needs and requirements.
Despite the initial additional costs and the logistical effort, such as transporting the vehicle, the engine overhaul is a worthwhile long-term investment. It restores the original performance of your vehicle and ensures reliable operation through customized repairs. Future for your engine.
Request engine overhaul now!
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We invite you to share your experiences with us and to present, discuss, and make the OM642 a significantly better engine.
The longevity of your engine is our mission!
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1 comment
Da habe ich wohl endlich mal eine “echte” Werkstatt gefunden, die nicht nur das “raus und rein” der Vertrags-Werkstätten praktiziert, sondern das Problem von Grund auf und professionell angeht.
Ich bin gespannt. Werde diese Werkstatt auf jeden Fall mal “ausprobieren”.